

The Case of the Ordinary Swearer

Every person has cursed more than once. Even the nicest people get angry when they get angry. If they are treated unfairly, or their parents are cursed by someone, they can not stop swearing. But other than this, there are people who swear regularly. There are people who swear like that in my workplace. If you look at the behavior of the person who swears, there is no malice. However, if you swear in the presence of all the other employees, people who are not parties are not feeling well.

욕하는 사람

Why you shouldn’t make a habit of swearing

When I was a high school student, the teacher of the institute said, “If you make a habit of swearing, you will not know it in an important place.”You can’t pick up what’s already been spilled, you can’t pick up what’s already been said, you can’t pick up what’s already been said, you can’t imagine how embarrassing it would be if you’d been present at an important event and you’d been cursed in front of an audience. You’ll want to hide in a rat hole.

the use of right and fair language

In the past, EBS reported on the abuse of teenagers. “The PD asked the middle school students to talk to them for just one minute instead of swearing.” Then a child said, “Let’s sit down.”It’s awkward because they keep swearing and don’t swear. It’s the same as feeling empty when they take off their masks because COVID-19 is over after wearing a mask during COVID-19. Not only teenagers but also adults should apply it and use fine words.