
The importance of notes cannot be overemphasized. Taking lots of notes does not guarantee success. However, most successful people were note takers. Memos are a common material in self-improvement books. The method of taking notes varies from person to person. Some people will take analog notes by taking notes with a pen in a notebook. Another will take notes on a smartphone notepad.

If you search MemoGeek, there are countless numbers. Among them, cartoonist Heo Young-man comes to mind. Heo Young-man said that one day while he was reporting, he didn’t have a notepad, so he dipped his finger into red pepper paste and wrote it down on a napkin at a restaurant. It is said that one day, while he was sleeping at night, he remembered something to write in his dream and woke up early in the morning. He said he told his wife, “Don’t turn on the light, but give me a note and a pen.” It is said that in a dream, 4 notes came to mind, and 3 of them were written down and saved.

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I also always take notes. I do it almost every day. A memo doesn’t necessarily have to be something big. Write down at least 1-2 lines in your smartphone notepad. I write down what I need to do that day, what I need to do the next day, what I need to do in the future, and any ideas that come to mind at that time. This will help you keep a record so you can look up the information later. At one time, I also used to write in a notebook with a fountain pen. However, it is much better to write things down in a smartphone notepad, so now I only use my smartphone.

Some professors say that they take notes from time to time. It is said that the notes were later collected and created into a thesis. People who always take notes like this can gain writing skills. Even if you run a blog or YouTube, you must have content material. In such cases, if you look for a notepad, the materials are endless. If you keep taking notes, it becomes a habit and is very fun. When I write down notes, I feel as if the various thoughts in my head have been refined. My thoughts are organized. It also helps develop your writing skills. So let’s take notes.